节日来个大满足:杜松子浆果烤肉盘 Meat feast: Juniper berry stuffing
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试试看杜松子浆果烤肉盘, 给你自己一个肉食动物的大满足吧! Indulge you and your friends with Juniper berry meat stuffing and enjoy holiday feast!
这款烤肉盘来自Tom Kerridge的食谱,本身是作为感恩节烤火鸡的填充物,而西餐也常见填充肉馅直接作为烤肉盘上菜的。这和中餐里对肉馅的使用颇有差异,并不用面皮包裹肉馅。
这次主要想通过这道菜呈现给大家一个特别的香料的使用– 杜松子浆果。这个源于古埃及的香料,除了作为酿造杜松子酒(金酒)的主要原料外,也广泛用于西餐中肉食的烹饪(其实西餐中很多香料的使用都来自古埃及,甚至西餐主食的面包也是古代埃及人发明的,以后在摩洛哥菜式中会更多介绍其他香料)。杜松子在西餐肉食中的使用方式非常接近于中餐里的花椒和八角,经常在腌制或炖煮的过程中起到去腥和增添风味的作用,一般的用量都比较少。这道菜式是我所尝试过的菜式里对杜松子浆果的使用最为大胆的一个,将整整一汤匙的浆果捣碎后拌入肉馅里烘烤。因此非常建议大家在家尝试一次,让家人也体味一下这一独特西餐香辛料的魅力。
This recipe comes from Tom Kerridge. Besides being usedinside the turkey, it is not uncommon to cook stuffing alone in a terrine. This is very different from how minced meat is used in Chinese cuisine.
What I would like to demonstrate this time through this dishis the use of a common spice in western cooking – Juniper Berry. Originated inancient Egypt, juniper is frequently seen in meat dishes besides its use in Ginliquor (in fact, many spices are originated in Egypt. I will introduce morewith Moroccan dishes in the future). The use of juniper in western dishes issimilar to the use of Chinese pepper and star anise in Chinese dishes, often seenin curing process or stew, mostly used in small amount. This stuffing recipehowever, used a whole table spoon of juniper, which is one of the bravest usesof juniper I ever came across. I strongly recommend you to try this dish, give your family a special spicy treat!
梅花肉馅- 800克
Sausage meat - 800g
洋葱1大颗- (约一斤)
Onion - A big one
杜松子果- 1汤匙
Juniper berries - 1 tea spoon
黑胡椒粒- 3茶匙
Black pepper – 3 tea spoons
盐- 2茶匙
Salt -2 tea spoons
鼠尾草- 一把
Sage – Some
蔓越莓干- 100克
Dry cranberries 100g
熟栗子- 100克
Cooked chestnut – 100g
面包屑(或馒头屑)- 160克
Breadcrumb – 160g
培根约- 20条
Bacon – around 20 slices
Step 1
Chop the onion, then soften on low heat until transparent. Leave to cool in room temperature.
Step 2
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