8th IPPAwards(全球 影响力手机摄影大奖,下同)–Winner of the year(获年度摄影师奖)8th IPPAwards – Honorable Mention in Landscape(获风光摄影佳作奖)MONOCHROME AWARDS International Black&White Photography Contest(国际黑白摄影大奖)– Honorable Mention in Professional Photomanipulation Category(获专业图片合成艺术佳作奖)Photo Shoot Awards NUDE 2015(国际 NUDE 摄影奖,下同)– Second Prize Winner(获二等奖)Photo Shoot Awards NUDE 2015 – Category Gold Winner & Bronze Finalist in Conceptual Category(获类别金奖及观念类铜奖)Photo Shoot Awards NUDE 2015 – Category Gold Winner in Intimate Category(获亲密关系类金奖)
International Photography Awards IPA(国际摄影奖)– Honorable Mention in Special Digitally Enhance(获数字处理特别奖)ND Awards Neutral Density Photography Awards(中灰密度摄影奖,下同)– Honorable Mention in Fine Art Abstract(获抽象艺术佳作奖)ND Awards Neutral Density Photography Awards – Honorable Mention in Advertising Fashion(获广告时尚佳作奖)7th Annual IPPAwards(第七届IPPA——全球 影响力手机摄影大奖,下同)– Honorable Mention in Lifestyle Category(获生活方式佳作奖)7th Annual IPPAwards – Honorable Mention in Architecture Category(获建筑类佳作奖)LensCulture Emerging Talent(摄影文化新兴人才奖)– Editor’s Selection(获编辑选择奖)
投稿邮箱:chuanbeiol@163.com 详情请访问川北在线:http://www.guangyuanol.cn/