Photographer’s FORUM 2013 Best of Photography Contest(摄影师论坛2013 摄影大赛)– Honorable Mention(获佳作奖)Prix de la Photographic, Paris (PX3) (巴黎摄影奖)– Third Prize in Self Portrait Category(获自拍类佳作奖)6th Annual IPPAwards(第六届IPPA——全球 影响力手机摄影大奖,下同)– 2nd Place in Animal Category(获动物摄影类第二名)6th Annual IPPAwards – Honorable Mention in Tree Category(获树摄影类佳作奖)
Prix de la Photographic, Paris (PX3) (巴黎摄影奖,下同)– Altered Images Honorable Mention(获摄影后期处理佳作奖)Prix de la Photographic, Paris (PX3) – SELF PORTRAIT COMPETITION Honorable Mention(获自拍类佳作奖)
2011 – 2013 Savannah College of Art and Design /Honors Graduate Scholarship(2011至2013年萨凡纳艺术与设计学院/荣誉研究生奖学金)2011 Prix de la Photographic, Paris (PX3) (巴黎摄影奖,下同)– Official Selection(获官方优选奖)2011 Prix de la Photographic, Paris (PX3) – Second Prize(获二等奖)
“City Illusion”(“城市幻影”精选个展)– Selected Solo Show, SCAD Annex Gallery, Memorial Hospital, Savannah, GA(佐治亚州萨凡纳艺术与设计学院附属画廊)Talking Eye 2 Juried Photography Exhibition, Castro Valley CA(“会说话的眼睛”摄影展,加利福尼亚州卡斯特山谷)Silver and Ink Juried Exhibition –“Venice“, Savannah GA(“银与墨”展,佐治亚州萨凡纳“威尼斯”)
Alliance Francaise D’Atlanta “It’s a Beautiful Moment,When the Day is Born: Photographs from the South of France”, Atlanta GA(“当黎明来临,那是一个美丽的时刻”:来自法国南部的摄影作品展,佐治亚州亚特兰大市 D’Atlanta 法语联盟)Talking Eye Juried Photography Exhibition, Castro Valley CA(“会说话的眼睛”展,加利福尼亚州卡斯特山谷)The Big Picture Show(大片展)–“Barcelona”, Savannah GA(佐治亚州萨凡纳市,“巴塞罗那”)Silver and Ink Juried Exhibition – Savannah GA(“银与墨”展,佐治亚州萨凡纳市)We Don’t Talk Shit, Taipei Taiwan(“我们不说脏话”,台北)
“France and Provence” Exposition des Etudiant de SCAD Lacoste, Lacoste France(“法兰西与普罗旺斯”萨凡纳艺术与设计学院学生作品展)
2015 Collaborate Collection – City Illusion
Private Collector, Taiwan(城市幻影,台湾私人收藏家)2014 Collaborate Collection – City Illusion
Savannah College of Art and Design, United States(城市幻影,萨凡纳艺术与设计学院,美国)
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