我发现周传基先生不仅缺乏社会学常识,更缺乏精神分析和女性主义批评理论方面的基本知识。他的英语水平也如此糟糕,竟然将lynch pin这样的习语译成“衔接销钉”,而将make good这样更为常见的习语译成“变成好事”!实在让人大跌眼镜。“阳具”居然有了“所指”,而它所指的居然是“她想把自己的缺乏变成好事的欲望”!真乃天方夜谭。而周老先生,正是凭借着他的英文功底,迷倒了一代又一代的粉丝呢!他是中国老一辈电影理论工作者,精通数国语言,译述无数,外语功底好得天晓得啊!
Woman then stands in patriarchal culture as signifier for the male
other, bound by a symbolic order in which man can live out his
phantasies and obsessions throught linguistic command by imposing
them on the silent image of woman still tied to her place as bearer
of meaning, not maker of meaning.
这个句子中的the male other,是指“男性他者”,即男性作为一个性别,而不是周传基所译的“另一个男性”,无论是张三还是李四。这再一次暴露出周传基对当代批评理论的无知。
It gets us nearer to the roots of our oppression, it brings an
articulation of the problem closer, it faces us with the ultimate
challenge: how to fightthe unconscious structured like a language
(formed critically at the moment of arrival of language) while
still caught within the language of the patriarchy.
投稿邮箱:chuanbeiol@163.com 详情请访问川北在线:http://www.guangyuanol.cn/